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Drop-in Tutoring: Fall 2024

Friday, December 6 is the last day of tutoring for Fall 2024

The Learning Center offers hours for drop-in tutoring in both Mowrey Hall and MCT 165 (for Computer Science/Engineering).  Please see the courses offered and their hours of availability below.  As always, appointments are also available for these and other courses.  You can schedule an appointment by going to or calling 717-477-1420.

Mathematics in Mowrey Hall

Monday/Wednesday 10:00am-3:00pm

MATH 100    Introductory Algebra

MATH 117    Applied Statistics

MATH 140    College Algebra

MATH 175    Precalculus

MATH 181    Applied Calculus


Computer Science and Engineering in the Math and Computing Technologies Center (MCT 165)

Monday                    10:00am-12:00pm; 1:00pm-3:00pm

Wednesday                10:00am-11:00am; 1:00pm-3:00pm

Friday                     10:00am-2:00pm


CIVE 110      Introduction to Surveying

CIVE 300      Structural Analysis

CMPE 220    Computer Organization

CSMC 104     Programming in Python

CSMC 110     Computer Science I

ENGR 100    Engineering Seminar I

ENGR 110    Modeling and Simulation

ENGR 120    Programming for Engineers

MCAE 200    Statics

MCAE 220    Fluids

MCAE 230    Mechanics of Materials

SWEN 100    Introduction to Software Engineering

SWEN 200    Design Patterns

Contact the Learning Center Student Success Center, Mowrey Hall, 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1420
Open Monday–Thursday 10am–9pm, Friday 10am-4pm, and Sunday 5pm–9pm