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Organizational Development and Leadership, Individualized, MS

Individualized is the broadest Organizational Development and Leadership, allowing you to select from a wide range of graduate courses in social sciences and humanities to best prepare for your own career goals.

What Will I Learn?

The program allows you to:

  • Learn basic principles and theories of organizational development and the role of leadership
  • Enhance skills and knowledge in specified content areas
  • Combine theory with practical experience through an experiential capstone

What Kinds of Experiences Could I Have?

This interdisciplinary program offers a broad social science perspective on the interactions between leaders, followers and social structures. The highlight is an experiential capstone where you will put leadership into practice and gain valuable real world insights.

Laura Childs headshot

Laura Childs, Education Abroad Coordinator for West Virginia University

My ODL internship was at the Center for Global Engagement at Duquesne University, which houses Study Abroad, International Admissions, International Student Services and the ESL program for the institution. I shadowed the assistant directors of each department and learned so much about the field. My experiences with the ODL internship at Duquesne directly led to more confidence in interviews, which in turn brought on incredible professional opportunities.

What Types of Careers Could I Get With This Degree?

Alumni from this concentration work in a wide range of settings from athletics and accessibility work to marketing, HR recruiting, workforce development, non-profit leadership and the public sector.


Full-Time (30 Credits)

First Year

Fall Semester: 9 Credits​


Spring Semester: 9 Credits


Second Year

Fall Semester: 6 Credits

  • Leadership in Society Elective Credits: 3 
  • Leadership in Society Elective Credits: 3


Spring Semester: 6 Credits

  • Leadership in Society Elective Credits: 3
  • Leadership in Society Elective Credits: 3

Planning Notes for all students:

  1. 30 total credits required
  2. Students can begin in any semester or term, including, fall, spring, winter or summer.
  3. Students can take elective courses in any semester or term. For list of electives, see program Organizational Development and Leadership, Leadership in Society Concentration, M.S. 
  4. Students can take core courses in any semester or term.
  5. The above sequence is for illustrative purposes only. Students can tailor their program to their individual needs.