Mathematics, BS
The Mathematics (BS) program provides you with opportunities and guidance to determine your career path in the mathematical sciences based on your personal interests and goals.
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What Will I Learn?
Students hone their ability to reason carefully, write precisely, solve problems effectively, and use both mathematical theory and technology to deepen their understanding. In addition, students develop mathematical independence and perseverance with the opportunity to experience open-ended research with a professor. All students majoring in mathematics at Ship take advanced coursework in some other field to which mathematics is applied, and all students are explicitly oriented to the many career opportunities in mathematics.
Concentrations include:
- Actuarial sciences
- Applied Math
- Statistics

Meet Autumn Garibay
“The Math Department has many incredible opportunities, including seminars, on-campus jobs, trips to conferences and clubs. So, get involved! Classes for math majors will be difficult, but the professors are very kind and competent.”What are the requirements for this degree?
All concentrations within the mathematics program require the same core courses in calculus, discrete mathematics, linear algebra, abstract algebra, and analysis. Students who do not commit to a specific area of specialization have the flexibility to customize their elective coursework toward their particular interests. This is a common degree path chosen by students intending to go directly into a graduate program. All mathematics majors complete at least one computer programming course as well as at least one upper division course in a non-mathematics course in an area to which mathematics can be applied. More Information.
What Types of Careers Could I Get With This Degree?
- Actuary
- Data scientist
- Economic analyst
- Financial analyst
- Mathematics teacher
- Operations research analyst
- Research mathematician
- Statistician
- Systems analyst
What Career Outcomes Do Alumni Have With This Degree?

What Kinds of Experiences Could I Have?
Many mathematics courses are taught in a computer classroom to provide hands-on experience with software such as Microsoft Excel, MATLAB, Mathematica and various open source apps. Mathematics students and faculty socialize through activities of the long-standing SU Math Club and provide service to the community through outreach efforts at SU as well as participation in events such as the National Engineering and Science Festival in Washington, D.C. Many mathematics majors are employed by the university to tutor students in lower division mathematics courses. Mathematics students often complete paid summer internships or REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) programs in their last two years of the program. Both the department and university support and celebrate undergraduate research and independent study into advanced topics of interest for any student.