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Computer Science, Video Game Programming Certificate

The Video Game Programming certificate builds skills related to video game programming. Depending on the courses selected to complete the certificate it gives students experience working in 2D environments, 3D environments, artificial intelligence, and network programming.

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What Will I Learn?

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This is an interdisciplinary certificate that combines the video game programming course in our department with AI, Networking, and/or Databases and courses from other disciplines. You will need a strong background in computer science to do this certificate.  The computer science courses provide a wide range of skills related to 2D and 3D graphics, network programming, and core algorithms related to video game programming. Courses from other programs focus more on creative writing and application of 3D knowledge. Identified skills for students in this concentration include:

  • The ability to solve difficult problems and implement solutions to those problems.
  • Experience working together as a team.
  • Learning aesthetic and graphic design principles within both a 2D and 3D environment.
  • Understanding and using key software design patterns in the development of a video game (e.g. Game Loop, Object Pool, State Pattern, etc.).
  • Understanding of basics in network communication, AI, and/or databases. 
  • Strengthening C and Python programming skills.

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Students can also gain knowledge in these related programs

4+1 Program

With careful planning, advanced undergraduate students can complete our Master of Science in Computer Science program with only one additional year of study. The details of how this works depend on the interest areas of the student, but leveraging both degrees can give a graduate a combination of breadth and depth that employers will appreciate.

What Types of Careers Could I Get With This Degree?

Opportunities exist among all employers, especially business and industry, government, science and education. Not everyone who completes this degree becomes a programmer. These skills are required in jobs like sales, technical support and project management.

Some specific positions include:

  • Developer
  • Systems administrator
  • Data scientist
  • Web developer
  • Data base administrator
  • Network administrator
  • Security administrator
  • Knowledge engineer
  • Game developer

Career prospects in software development are excellent with attractive work environments and income potential. The students from these programs are highly sought after by employers in the fields of business, industry, government, science, and education. They are hired by small startups through Fortune 500 companies. They build a variety of types of applications, such as control systems for vehicles, software for network communication, and applications that work with databases.

What Career Outcomes Do Alumni Have With This Degree?

A list of of the top job titles for Computer Science alumni
The estimated salary for Computer Science alumni

What Kinds of Experiences Could I Have?

You should expect:

  • Demanding courses that cover a wide range of topics in computer science, taught by knowledgeable faculty (no courses are taught by graduate students)
  • Small class sizes with highly accessible faculty
  • A sense of department camaraderie
  • Numerous opportunities for department involvement (crews, clubs, internships, research)

Contact the Computer Science Department

156 Mathematics and Computing Technologies Center 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1178