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Reporting to Incidents that Disrupt the Inclusive Community

This protocol outlines the steps Ship will take when Incidents that disrupt the inclusive community arise on our campus. 

1. Assess

Assess threat to safety.

  • Ship Department of Public Safety conducts threat assessments and reaches out, as required, to Indiana Borough Police, Pennsylvania State Police, and the FBI to determine whether there are credible threats of imminent harm.

  • We also work with Residence Life personnel, assistant and associate deans, and others to assess the immediate situation for alleged perpetrator(s) and alleged victim(s).

2. Investigate

Consider the incident pursuant to the Code of Student Conduct and other policies and laws to determine whether an investigation and referral are warranted. That process is:

  • Investigate.

  • Once investigation is complete, consider whether the facts determined by investigation (if true) would rise to the level of a violation.

  • If so, refer to appropriate disciplinary process for fact determination, adjudication, and sanctioning.

3. Educate and Restore

  • Engage with offending individual through administrators, department faculty, chairs, assistant and associate deans, deans, and Office of Student Support and Community Standards to assess harm caused, and then work with the individual on voluntary restorative justice/restitution solutions.

4. Support

  • Support alleged victims and concerned community through clear, direct messaging and communication condemning hate.

  • Announce an immediate investigation and plans for an educational response.

  • Identify campus resources.

  • Provide counseling and other supportive measures.

  • Consider programming to counter the incident.

5. Communicate

  • Upon learning about an incident, send separate messages tailored to students, employees, alumni, trustees, chancellor, and the wider community.

  • Express concerns about reported bias-motivated behavior. Condemn hate.

  • Announce an immediate investigation of the matter.

  • Share resources for students affected by the incident.

  • Send regular updates to various stakeholders.

File a Violation of Our Inclusive Community Report

Reporting Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation Form