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Getting Help for Power- and Gender-based Violence

Community Partners

*These resources are confidential and do not report or share information to the police or the University without the survivor's explicit permission.

*YWCA Sexual Assault/Rape Crises Center
(717) 258-4324 Hotline

The YWCA's Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Center program offers a 24-hour hotline for survivors of rape and sexual assault (regardless of when the assault occurred), accompaniment to legal and medical proceedings, individual crisis and empowerment counseling for survivors and their significant others, support groups, advocacy, and prevention/education programs in Cumberland County.

*Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry Counties
(800) 852-2102 Hotline

DVSCP provides quality services and support to those who are experiencing intimate partner abuse and fosters positive social and systems change through education and advocacy. 24-hour hotline for survivors of intimate partner and domestic violence (regardless of when the violence occurred), accompaniment to legal and medical proceedings, individual crisis and empowerment counseling for survivors and their significant others, support groups, advocacy, and prevention/education programs in Cumberland and Perry Counties.

*WIN: Women in Need, Franklin and Fulton County
Chambersburg, PA
(717) 264-4444 Hotline

WIN offers a 24-hour hotline for victims of rape, sexual assault and intimate partner abuse, accompaniment to legal and medical proceedings, emergency shelter, individual counseling for victims and their significant others, support groups, advocacy, and prevention/education programs in Franklin and Fulton County.

Campus Partners

*Etter Counseling Center
Wellness Center - Naugle Hall                                                                      
(717) 477-1481

The University Counseling Center (UCC) provides individual, couples, and group counseling, crisis intervention, and psychiatric services for undergraduate and graduate students. The staff at the Counseling Center are confidential and not required to report victim information to police, human resources or the Dean of Students Office.

Shippensburg University Police Department
Reed Operations Center
(717) 477-1444

The University Police enforce all regulations and laws, both of the University and the Commonwealth. They also work cooperatively with the Shippensburg Borough Police Department and the Pennsylvania State Police to record incidents that may occur off campus.

Shippensburg University Title IX Coordinator
Old Main 106A
(717) 477-1323

The Title IX Coordinator is an advocate for the rights of all students to work and learn in an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment based on gender. The office of Title IX receives and processes complaints of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex/gender, age, disability, veteran status, and/or sexual orientation under Title VII. Students who experience discrimination or harassment may file a complaint with the Title IX Coordinator.

Contact the PAGE Center CUB 232 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1291