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The PAGE Center has a number of events and activities planned during the spring term to educate and empower students about gender in/equity, healthy relationships and consensual sex, and LGBTQ cultural humility. Below is the Spring calendar with detail and brief summaries of our activities.

PAGE Center Spring 2025 

March: Women’s History Month “Women’s Labor”

Women’s Labor Exhibit
March 1-31
Ezra Lehman Library gallery
A gallery installation celebrating women’s work through art and history. Including contributions of women to society, household, and culture; trends in wages and unpaid labor; gender-based restrictions; and the impact of demographic intersections. This exhibit will hang for the full month.

International Women’s Day and Gero Awards: Women at Work
Wednesday, March 5, 3:30-5:30p

A global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and a call to action for women’s equality. The Gero Awards are announced at this event, honoring those at SU who have made a remarkable contribution to the status and climate of women on campus. Please nominate people who have made outstanding contributions to improving the status and climate for women on campus using this link or the QR code below: The deadline for Gero Award nominations is Friday, February 14.

Stitch and Bitch
Monday, March 17, 3-5p
CUB Airport Lounge
A practical introduction to basic sewing skills and to the legacy of needlework groups to community organizing within Women’s History. Sew your monogram onto a gingham patch and hear about classic resistance and feminist trends. All levels of experience, all people are welcome.

Who’s Afraid of Vagina Woolf: Trivia Night
Monday, March 24, 6-7:30p
CUB 119
Come find out what don’t you know you don’t know about the activities, capacity, whereabouts, and hygiene of half the world’s lower bodies. Learn stuff about your own stuff; dazzle your friends and friends-with-benefits; know new things! High-end prizes from Tilbury, Fenty, Haus, Mac for high score, best team name, best Q&A questions of our favorite OB/GYN, and more. Everyone is welcome.

Feminist Self-Defense for Everyone
Monday, March 31, 4-6p
CUB Airport Lounge
A fun, smart, and safer space workshop to learn self-defense skills, identify boundaries, and learn verbal and physical techniques for conflict de-escalation and protection. Gain practical skills to protect yourself and others, in situations from annoying or uncomfortable to dangerous. Learn skills to prevent, interrupt, and heal from harassment and worse. Everyone with a body is welcome and encouraged to come.

April: Sexual Assault Awareness Month

What’s Up With Trans Circle: Transgender Day of Awareness
Wednesday, April 2, 6-7p
CUB 119
An opportunity to hear from trans folks directly about trans experiences. Trans Circle centers and prioritizes speaking time for trans students and invites non-trans campus community members to listen and witness; some time may be available for Q&A. All are wanted and welcome.

Sexy and Consenty Toy Egg Hunt
Thursday, April 3, 5-6p
Horton Hall Lobby
The PAGE Center’s third annual spring egg hunt with gonzo sexy toy prizes, games, sex-positive vibes, and super-consent-forward tips and tricks. Part of the PAGE Center Sexual Assault Awareness Month programming. Everyone is welcome! Come and play, everyone wins!

Day of Silence – Breaking the Silence
Friday, April 11
The PAGE Center invites students to participate in a day of silence and breaking the silence to bring attention to the silencing and erasure of queer and genderqueer students. Materials and activities to use throughout the day can be found at this QR code: 

Kink and Consent
Monday, April 14, 6-8p
CUB 119
A facilitated, frank discussion with Q&A designed to provide accurate information about kink and alt sex practices, including definitions, who participates, stigma, and centering safety and trust. More young people are engaging in these sexual activities, often without complete knowledge of safer practice or navigating permission. Importantly, kink community practice has much to offer the broader culture about clarifying and honoring sexual consent. Part of the PAGE Center Sexual Assault Awareness Month programming. All levels of knowledge are welcome.

Take Back the Night
Thursday, April 24, 5-7p
Stewart Hall
A speak-out and rally for community to gather with and hear survivors name their experiences of sexual violence, to empower and be empowered by speakers, and to interrupt cycles of shame and blame. Part of the PAGE Center Sexual Assault Awareness Month programming. Everyone is invited to participate and create a better-informed and more-engaged community of care and prevention.

It’s on Us, Ship (and Denim Day)
Wednesday, April 30, 6-8p
CUB 119
An engaging and interactive learning opportunity to develop skills for interrupting sexual abuse. Learn to recognize and respond in real time, in real social settings. All levels of knowledge are welcome. Part of the PAGE Center Sexual Assault Awareness Month programming. Become part of a Shippensburg University campus that promotes consent and respect, and that rejects disrespect and violence.

May: May Pride

Harvey Milk Day: My Name is Harvey Milk and I’m Here To Recruit You
Friday, May 2
The PAGE Center is offering a campus-wide pop-up event that celebrates the life and legacy of Harvey Milk, a visionary civil and human rights leader who ran loudly and unapologetically for public office as a gay man. Solve interactive puzzles to navigate a campus tour and engage with Harvey Milk’s humor and brilliance. Win prizes! All are welcome and more than welcome to participate.

Lavender Graduation
Thursday, May 8, 4-6p
CUB MPR, Airport Lounge
Lavender Graduation is a celebration of LGBTQ and supportive ally graduates to walk and be acknowledged and triumphed. All graduating Shippensburg University students, undergraduate and graduate, are welcome to participate. 

Contact the PAGE Center

CUB 232 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1291