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The Office of Nontraditional Student Services

A nontraditional student is an adult student who is older than the traditional undergraduate, who has had a break in his/her formal learning experience and is now returning to the university or entering the university for the first time. These students have additional responsibilities not common in traditional undergraduates. They may be full time employees, primary breadwinners, caregivers for children or adults, veterans, or individuals returning to college after a break in their education. A nontraditional student can be enrolled full-time or part-time.

Nontraditional Student Groups at Ship

Nontraditional Student Organization

The Nontraditional Student Organization (NTSO) is for adult students who are older than traditional freshmen, who have had a break in their formal learning experience and now are returning to the university or entering the university for the first time. Any undergraduate, full-time, part-time, or extended studies students registered at Shippensburg University is considered a member of this organization.

The NTSO has proven to be a strong support system for adult students. The organization encourages active participation through the board and corresponding committees. Input from current members helps direct the focus of the educational and social programs offered each year. The NTSO Constitution provides detailed descriptions of each position and the goals of the organization. If you are interested in getting involved, please email for opportunities to serve.

Association for Nontraditional Students in Higher Education (A.N.T.S.H.E.)

A.N.T.S.H.E. is an international partnership of students, academic professionals, institutions, and organizations whose mission is to encourage and coordinate support, education, and advocacy for the adult learner.

Through A.N.T.S.H.E., the university participates in Pinnacle, a national honor society for Non-Traditional Students.

 All students selected for induction in Pinnacle must meet the following criteria:

  1. Qualify as adult or Non-Traditional students under Shippensburg University’s definition;
  2. Preferably have senior status, although exceptional juniors may be selected for membership;
  3. Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, not necessarily including hours taken as a student of traditional age;
  4. Have been involved in at least three campus and/or community activities;
  5. Demonstrate leadership, persistence, and future promise;
  6. Maintain the highest ethical standards.