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Security Policies and Procedures

Shippensburg University enrolls are 5,585 undergraduates, 996 graduate students. The University employs a total of 998 faculty and staff associates.

The University requests criminal conviction information from employee applicants. A criminal history check is done on all staff employees and a complete background investigation is performed on applicants for university police positions.

Students, faculty, and employees at Shippensburg have access to academic, recreational, and administrative facilities on campus. Access to the residence halls is limited to resident students and their guests. University employees can access the residence halls only on an "as needed" basis and with strict key control procedures.

Shippensburg University's policy statement on sexual assault prevention programs is available upon request from the PAGE Center. The statement includes a description of educational programs, procedures and contacts, instructions on how to preserve evidence and to whom the offense should be reported, information on victims' services, and campus disciplinary actions.

A copy of the University parking rules and regulations is provided to each eligible person when he or she registers his or her vehicle with the University Police. All vehicles must be registered with the Police. Vehicles registered and operated by resident freshman and sophomore students will be permitted to park in storage parking facilities only. No exceptions will be made.

Official Visitor Parking Permits for individuals or small groups may be secured from the University police (Physical Plant Building, phone 717-477-1444). The person sponsoring such individuals or groups should request visitor parking passes from University Police in advance. By following the above, visitors can be spared the inconvenience of settling an unwarranted parking violation ticket.

Bicycles operated on the campus must be registered with the University Police. All bicycles operated on campus are subject to the University Traffic and Parking Regulations and the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code.

Skateboards, roller skates, in-line skates, etc. are not permitted for use on the University campus except in specially designated areas. The normally heavy concentration of vehicular traffic on the roadways and pedestrian traffic on the sidewalks does not provide a conducive atmosphere for the safe use of these items.

Official warnings will be issued to violators on the first offense. Repeated violations of the regulations will result in confiscation of the prohibited items or further disciplinary action by the University.

Guidance to students, faculty, and staff on engaging with outside law enforcement agencies on campus

Please reference these steps for Shippensburg University faculty, staff, and students to consider if law enforcement officers or agencies outside of our Shippensburg University Police Department (SUPD) request information or assistance on campus. What follows is not legal advice but rather procedural guidance to ensure legal compliance while protecting the rights and privacy of students, staff, and faculty.



As a public institution, Ship welcomes the public to access a significant portion of campus spaces. Access is restricted or limited in some areas to address privacy concerns, operational needs, or safety considerations. These restrictions may apply to outside agencies, including law enforcement. All visitors to campus must adhere to university protocols when entering non-public spaces. 

It is important to note that external law enforcement agencies and officers may be on campus for reasons unrelated to enforcement actions, such as career recruitment events, training, guest lectures, or visits.



  1. Remain Calm and Professional
    1. Provide the level of customer service that is routine for your position within the university.
  1. Request Identification and Documentation
    1. Politely ask for the external law enforcement officer's
    2. Name and identification number.
    3. Agency affiliation.
  1. Direct the External Law Enforcement Agency to the Appropriate Contact
  1. Inform the officer that you want to accomodate their process but need to contact the Shippensburg University Police Department to assist the external law enforcement officer. Contact SUPD and advise them of the situation and request their assistance.
      • Phone: 717-477-1444
      • The SUPD and/or a designated liaison will work directly with the officer/agency.
  1. Protect Student and Employee Privacy
    1. Inform the officer that you are consulting with appropriate university personnel who will be able to answer their questions and that you are not obstructing their process.
    2. Ensure compliance with FERPA and HIPAA regulations.

Department of Public Safety

Campus safety and security are coordinated by the Department of Public Safety, which has a university police force of 15 armed commissioned officers with arrest powers. These men and women are graduates of the Municipal Police Officers Training Course and undergo continuing training to upgrade their skills. All are trained in emergency medical procedures, first aid, and CPR. Each police vehicle contains an AED (defibrillator). University police conduct foot, vehicular, and bicycle patrols of the campus and residence hall areas 24 hours a day. The University Police enforce all regulations and laws of the University and the Commonwealth.

The University maintains contact with the Shippensburg Borough Police as well as the Pennsylvania State Police. This allows all departments to pass information and provide assistance. In addition, legislation Act 48 allows university police officers to act outside the campus limits under specific conditions.

Rules and regulations regarding the student code of conduct are listed in Student Handbook, the student handbook distributed to all students. University police strictly enforce laws regulating underage drinking, the use of controlled substances, and weapons. The drug and alcohol policy statement is printed in the Student Handbook and is available from the Dean of Students office or university police. Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are not permitted on campus. Drug and alcohol abuse education programs are provided to employees through the Employee Assistance Program. Students seeking counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation can contact the campus coordinator of our drug and alcohol program. All employees and students receive literature stating the University's standards of conduct related to drugs and alcohol, and the applicable legal sanctions under local, state, or federal law.

Contact the Police Department

Phone: 717-477-1444