Welcome to the GBLUES PTO Webpage
Grace B. Luhrs University Elementary School (GBLUES) and its Parent Teacher Organization take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who supports our mission each and every day. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, sibling, aunt, uncle, friend, or member of our extended University community, your contributions throughout the year help make incredible things happen. Research has shown that when parents and communities are involved in the classrooms of their children, students excel. We know this to be true at GBLUES, where together we all achieve uncommon outcomes.
As you explore the information below, you will notice that we have a large PTO committee that works hard throughout the year to make sure the teachers, administrators, and students at GBLUES have the support and resources they need to ensure safe, healthy, and inspiring learning opportunities. We couldn't offer all of the class field trips, family events and picnics, special programs, after school programs, camp programs, and more without your support. So if you have not already done so, please consider becoming a volunteer and member of our PTO and share your skills so that we can all continue to celebrate the wonderful place in which our children learn and grow!
Interested in Volunteering at GBLUES?
Shippensburg Area School District (SASD) has implemented a volunteer policy that can be found on their website, www.shipk12.org.
Once you are cleared to begin volunteering please provide copies of your clearances and follow the procedure as follows:
1) Make contact with GBLUES administrators or teachers to schedule service dates and times.
2) At the prescribed time, pick-up a parking pass at the main desk at GBLUES and park in the designated area.
3) All visitors and volunteers must sign in at the office, where additional directions will be given.
4) When in the building, please use the public restroom in the front lobby.
5) Please remember that all tobacco use is strictly prohibited in school buildings, on school grounds, in school vehicles, or when supervising students.
6) Please sign-out at the front desk when you complete your volunteer service. We appreciate and thank you for your service!
PTO Fund Raising Programs
In order to raise the dollars necessary for our school to be able to run field trips, run Camp GBLUES, and other programs throughout the year, we have to work hard to raise some funds to enable us to do so.
2024-2025 PTO Executive Committee
Director: Mrs. Holly Garner
Administrative Assistant: Stevie Tsambiras
PTO President: Taylor Fairchild
PTO Vice President: Danielle Deshong
PTO Secretary: April Brown
PTO Treasurer: Kristina Mowen and Alison VanScyoc