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Connect with Students

Ensure today's Raiders benefit from the welcoming campus community, spectacular educational experiences, and all of those impactful Ship moments that shaped us.

Offer Insight & Experience

Alumni can provide advice and insight to students as individuals who have walked the path before them. Share your knowledge and connect with students as they prepare to become alumni.

Guest Speaker in Classrooms & Student Organizations

Faculty seek alumni for their classroom to provide information on real-world applications on the knowledge and theories taught in the classroom and to share information on education and career paths taken. Additionally, student clubs and organizations look for alumni speakers to share insight on topics from interview skills, job searches, entrepreneurship, career paths, how to network, and so much more. Alumni speakers are utilized for both weekday and weeknight times with an occasional weekend opportunity.

Participate on a Panel

Departments and offices across campus often create programming for students that include bringing alumni together to participate in Q&A style panels. These are often held weeknights, but may also be held weekdays.

Be an Alumni Expert/Resource for Questions

Do you have in-depth knowledge on certain topics or have a keen interest in anything from collectibles to current events? Be a part of our alumni experts/resource list. We are often tasked with identifying alumni who are knowledgeable on certain topics or in a specific career field whether it be to talk with a student about a career path or occupation, to provide a reference for an article in the SU Magazine, or to assist with a question/project for a class assignment or university initiative. Let us know what your knowledge base and interests are.

Express your interest in volunteering