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Dual Admissions with Community Colleges

Dual Admissions is a free program designed to ensure seamless enrollment from an associate degree program at a community college to a bachelor’s degree program at Shippensburg University.

Shippensburg University has dual admissions programs with seven community colleges.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I enroll?

First, discuss your intention to enroll in Shippensburg’s Dual Admission program with your community college advisor and complete Shippensburg’s online Dual Admission Intent Form.

Second, request that your community college and any other colleges or universities that you have attended send transcripts to Shippensburg University.  If you have completed fewer than 13 college credits you will also need to send your high school transcripts.

Once you have submitted the intent form, a Shippensburg University representative will be in touch with you via email.

Shippensburg University has Dual Admission agreements with the following community colleges:

  • Allegany College of Maryland
  • Carroll Community College
  • Frederick Community College
  • Hagerstown Community College
  • Harrisburg Area Community College
  • Montgomery County Community College
  • Reading Area Community College

You may apply for the program as early as your senior year in high school but no later than the completion of 30 college-level credits at your community college.

Does this program guarantee me acceptance into Shippensburg and my major?

You must maintain continuous enrollment at your community college and meet all SU admissions requirements, including grade point average, for your intended major to be accepted. View a list of these admissions requirements.

What are the benefits of Dual Admissions?

  • Be assured a place in your major at SU, provided you meet the GPA requirements for that major.
  • The $45 application fee is waived when you apply.
  • Continue your education close to home.
  • Take advantage of low tuition at both institutions.
  • Earn an associate’s degree and a bachelor’s degree from two nationally recognized institutions.
  • Out-of-state students who enroll in a Dual Admissions Program and earn an associate degree at their community college qualify for a reduced out-of-state tuition. See you advisor for details.
  • Receive clear semester-by-semester academic advising without wasting time and money on college-level course that do not transfer.

Who will advise me?

Your community college and Ship advisors and you will collaboratively select courses each semester. You will also receive advising guides indicating which courses you can take at your community college for both your associate's and bachelor's degrees.

View course equivalencies for all dual admit community colleges.

When do I enroll at Shippensburg University?

Once the application for the intended semester of matriculation is open, you will be notified to complete the application online. Once a decision has been made, you will be notified via email and if you are admitted, additional information will be sent regarding the confirmation process. An official transcript evaluation will be received within two weeks of the offer of admission.
After the confirmation steps have been completed, you will receive additional information about Orientation and the start of the semester. Your academic department will work with you to develop your upcoming semester schedule.

Contact the Office of Admissions

Old Main 113 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1231 Fax: (717) 477-4016
Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm