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Minds@Work Conference Guidelines

All UGR Student Grant Awardees must register and present at the Minds@Work Conference for April 22nd, 2025


You will register for the Minds@Work Conference through the InfoREADY website.

Poster Guidelines

Poster presentations are primarily displayed on poster boards. The poster is usually a mixture of a brief narrative, intermixed with tables, graphs, pictures, other presentation formats. Posters will be displayed on poster boards that are 36" X 48". Be aware there is no room for other materials and posters wider than 48" will exceed the display area. Also, mounting clips will be provided to attach posters to the display boards. Presenters should stand by their poster display for the full time so they can interact with guests who come to view their research.

Students are strongly encouraged to display professional quality posters. Please consult with your faculty mentor on the design of your poster. Students can use the university Print Shop to produce a professional-looking poster for display at the conference. If using the university Print Shop for printing your poster, you can send your work using the poster template (attached) and sending it to The university Print Shop is located in the building to the right of the SU Police Station.

Poster Printing

  • Use your name as file name
  • cost is $28
  • Size 35” X 40” (Submit sized PDF with student name as file name)
  • Allow 3 weeks before the conference (by APR 1 send to printer)
  • For those who have been awarded with a university Undergraduate Research Grant the grant will pay this cost. Use your name as file name.
  • For all others the Institute for Public Service will cover the cost to print your poster when presenting at the Minds@Work Conference. Use the Minds@Work template and include your name in the file name, and the print shop will charge accordingly.

For examples and for tips on creating effective posters, visit the Student Resources page.

Oral Presentation Guidelines

In a typical session of oral presentations, presenters are scheduled 20 minutes apart. Presenters take turns, and each presenter is allotted 15 minutes to talk. The 5 minutes after a talk are used for audience follow-up questions, and to allow the next presenter to set up.

Rooms in the CUB used for presentations will be equipped with a laptop and a large LCD screen at the front of the room. From the back of the room, the LCD screen is a bit small, so plan to use large images and fonts.

General Guidelines for the day of Minds@Work

  1. On the day of the event, participants must sign-in at the registration desk, located outside the MPR. There you will pick up essential materials personalized just for you (name tag and program). The registration desk will be open between 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
  2. Be on time in setting up your poster or oral presentation. The entire conference is organized on a tight schedule; therefore, please be conscientious of the time.
  3. Dress for success (wear appropriate attire)
  4. The people who visit your poster or oral presentation may be curious about YOU as well as your project. Be prepared to talk about your background and future plans.
  5. Remember that you know more about your research than any of the visitors, even professors. This should give you confidence to convey your ideas. But do not forget that all research raises more questions than are answered, so be prepared for questions that you cannot answer. Think of ways that future research might address some of the questions.
  6. Take time to look at posters and/or oral presentations of your fellow students but keep an eye out for visitors to your own poster/presentation so you do not miss them.
  7. Have an enjoyable time. You have earned it!

Moderator Guidelines

Moderators, please be conscientious of the time, and keep your session on schedule since the conference is organized tightly. We want to be courteous of the other sessions and allow them their full allotted time.  Plan to give signals/warnings to the speaker, perhaps at the 4-minutes remaining and 1-minute remaining.  If the speaker goes over time, be prepared to stand up, politely apologize to the speaker that no time remains, ask the audience for questions, and allow the next speaker to set up.

Contact the Institute for Public Service and Sponsored Programs Old Main 207 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1251 Fax: (717) 477-4053