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Bryan Rottkamp

Supply Chain Management major, Economics minor

Hometown: Lititz, PA

Graduation Year: ‘22

HI! My name is Bryan and I’m a Supply Chain Management major with a minor in Economics from Lititz, Pennsylvania. I came to Shippensburg because of the accredited John L. Grove College of Business, and the amazing environment I felt on my visits here. Here at Shippensburg I’m an Honors Ambassador and mentor for Honors students. I also play intramural basketball here, and you can find me playing at the gym all the time. Other than playing basketball, I enjoy hanging out with friends, playing video games, listening to music, and watching sports. I’m a big Lakers, Dodgers, and Rams fan and love to discuss sports with anyone who is willing to talk. This summer I will be a Supply Chain Management intern for Clark Associates in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, so I can answer questions about getting an internship. Feel free to email me if you have any questions about Shippensburg, the business college, or just want to chat about sports or videogames!

