Teacher Education Department Faculty and Staff
Shippensburg University was founded in 1871 and was the first normal school in the state dedicated to training Pennsylvania teachers. We hold the distinction of the only public school with a university K-5 elementary school on campus, known as the Grace B. Luhrs University Elementary School. We also partner with the Bartos Child and Family Center and the Shippensburg Head Start. With such a long history associated with teacher education, Shippensburg University continues to be a leader in preparing outstanding teachers. Our faculty have expertise in cognitive, language, physical, and social-emotional growth and development of young children, elementary children and adolescents, pedagogical practices in content area academic disciplines, educational technology, and many, many more nuances related to teaching and learning. We create pathways in and out of the classroom that enhance college students’ academic success so that they can be certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to teach young children, elementary children and adolescents in our region and beyond.
Our TED principles are shaped by our vision and mission statements. These statements form the basis for our conceptual framework of best practices. The Apprenticeship Model is included in each teacher education course and aligned with the student learning outcomes.
Vision: Teacher Education Programs prepare diverse, highly qualified, and reflective educators who address the needs of all learners in an ever-changing global society.
Mission: We provide a rigorous and responsive environment for learning that engages our students in historically-effective emerging research in education. Authentic learning opportunities are used in diverse classroom settings which highlight the three campus laboratory schools as models for classroom instruction.
College of Education and Human Services

Dr. Lynn Baynum (Chair)
Shippen 216 (717) 477-1166
Degrees: Ph.D. Marywood University, Instructional Leadership in Human Development | M.S. University of Scranton, Reading Specialist Certification | B.S. East Stroudsburg University, Early Childhood and Elementary Education Certification with a minors
Research Interests Children’s literature as mentor texts to teach reading and writing | Teacher prompts as a means of explicit instruction | Technology and literacy through virtual vacation experiences

Dr. Gwendolyn V. Jackson
SPH 221 -- (717) 477-13207, (717) 477-1320
Degrees: Ed.D. Duquesne University - Educational Leadership | M.S. Shippensburg University - Counseling Education | B.S. Shippensburg University - Elementary Education
Research Interests: Multicultural Education/Diversity | Minority Retention in Higher Education | Strategies to increase Minorities in the Teacher Education Program, Bullying, Developmental Reading in Higher Education | and Effective Classroom Management Models

Dr. Christopher Keyes
SPH 215 -- (717) 477-1290
Degrees: Ph.D. Vanderbilt University
Research Interests: Bilingual literacy | secondary literacy | technology teacher development | design research

Dr. Andrea Malmont
SPH 219 -- (717) 477-1724
Degrees: Ed. D. Duquesne University | M.S. University of Great Falls | B.S. University of Great Falls

Dr. Alison Mellott
SPH 203 (717) 477-1648
Degrees: Ed.D. Liberty University, Curriculum and Instruction | M.Ed. Shippensburg University, Curriculum and Instruction, Early Childhood Education | B.S. Shippensburg University, Elementary Education
Research Interests: Teacher Retention | Teacher Mental Health | Limiting Suspension and Expulsion in Early Childhood Education Settings | Integration of social and emotional skill development in classroom settings

Dr. Eucabeth Odhiambo
SPH 231 -- (717) 477-1198
Degrees: Ed.D. Tennessee State University – Curriculum and Instruction | M.Ed. Tennessee State University – Curriculum and Instruction | B.A. University of Eastern Africa – Secondary Education
Research Interests: Pre-service teacher training | Student teacher reflection | Minority student retention at all levels | Technology training and integration

Dr. Don K. Philpot
SPH 207 -- (717) 477-1191
Degrees: Ph.D. University of British Columbia | M.A. University of British Columbia | B.Ed University of Manitoba | B.A. University of Manitoba
Research Interests: Adolescent resilience development | Content area literacy development | Children’s literature | Functional stylistics | Formal writing genre instruction | Metalinguistic development | Developmental reading instruction

Dr. Christine Anne Royce
SPH 225 -- (717) 477-1681
Degrees: Ed.D. Temple University - Curriculum, Instruction & Technology Education - Science Education (2002) | MBA Shippensburg University (2015) | M.S. University of Scranton, Administration and Supervision (1995) | M.A. Delaware State University, Curriculum & Instruction (1994) | BSEd. Cabrini College, Elementary Education (1990 | Certificate of Advanced Studies in Business, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA (2014)
Research Interests: Integrating science and reading instruction through the use of children's trade books | Student's conceptual understanding of science content and where they perceive they developed those concepts | Strategies and instructional methods for astronomy education
Website http://webspace.ship.edu/caroyc/

Dr. Cheryl Ann Slattery
SPH 205 -- (717) 477-1296
Degrees: Ed.D. Reading and English Language Arts, Widener University | M.Ed. Reading with Reading Specialist Certification K-12, Kutztown University | PA Elementary Education K-6 Certification, Reading Concentration | B.S. St. Joseph’s University - Psychology
Research Interests: Community Partnerships and Collaboration | Purposeful Teacher Prompting | Best Practices in Literacy Instruction | Reading Intervention, Service

Ms. Tamara Smith-Moore
Kindergarten Teacher - GBLUES
GBL 005 -- (717) 477-1367