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Carlos Rojas, Ph.D.

Associate Professor


PhD: University of Cincinnati

MS: University of Cincinnati

Teaching Interests: Policing; Terrorism; Organized Crime; Immigration; Research Methods; Quantitative Analysis.

Research Interests: Juvenile Immigration; Communities and Crime; Immigration and Crime; Cultural Explanations of Offending.

Selected Publications/Research:

Rojas-Gaona, C. & Madero-Hernandez, A. (2022). Inequalities in the criminal justice system at the intersection of race/ethnicity and crime. In L. M. Eppard & H. Giroux (Eds.). On Inequality and Freedom.

Rojas-Gaona, C. & Madero-Hernandez, A. (2021). Immigration research. In J.C. Barnes & D. R Forde (Eds.).  Encyclopedia of Research Methods and Statistical Techniques in Criminology and Criminal Justice.

Ticknor, B. Warner, J., Rojas-Gaona, C. E., Madero-Hernandez, A., & Lytle, D. (2021). Seeing the vision and moving forward: The future of the CrimCon Conference from the new board. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology.

Feldmeyer, B., Madero-Hernandez, A., Rojas-Gaona, C., & Copley-Sabon, L. (2019). Immigration, collective efficacy, social ties, and violence: Unpacking the mediating mechanisms in immigration effects on neighborhood-level violence. Race & Justice.

Why Did You Become a Criminal Justice Professor?

I became a professor because I enjoy teaching and doing research. I enjoy being exposed to different perspectives and the intellectual exchanges that happen in the classroom. I love seeing students strengthen their skills and become competent professionals.

Contact the Criminal Justice Department

321 Shippen Hall, 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1558 Fax: (717) 477-4087