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Honors in Psychology Program

Psychology majors may choose to complete their department degree requirements with an honors designation. This is an excellent opportunity for good students to gain valuable expertise. Completion of Honors in Psychology demonstrates to graduate program admissions committees and future employers that you have special experience, motivation, and ability to succeed in the field of psychology. If you meet the criteria for participation and you are a dedicated student of psychology, you are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.

The Honors in Psychology Program is open to psychology majors who have and maintain a 3.6 overall QPA and a 3.8 Psychology QPA. Students in their second semester (freshmen class) and beyond (up to and including first semester juniors) who meet this requirement will be invited to participate. If you are a transfer student who would like to participate or if you believe you are qualified and were not asked, please contact the department.

Contact the Department of Psychology

203 Wright Hall 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1657