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Activities & Organizations

The Department of Human Communication Studies encourages engaged, active academic citizenship beyond the classroom. In addition to Internships and Service Learning, HCS students are active in collaborative research with faculty, student organizations and honor societies, and organizations within the discipline.

  • Shippensburg University's Celebration of Student Research Conference - An annual University event occurring in April.

  • Human Communication Organization - HCO: The Human Communication Organization is a student activities club comprised of HCS majors, minors, and interested students from across campus. HCO sponsors multiple student events, socials with HCS faculty, and fundraisers throughout the year. Contact Dr. Mathew Ramsey ( for more information on the club's current activities.

  • Lambda Pi Et - ΛΠΗ: The Department is home to Gamma Alpha, Shippensburg University's chapter of the National Communication Association's Honor Society, Lambda Pi Eta.

Please follow the links for information on the following professional organizations, including graduate school and career information:

Contact the Communication Studies Department

128 Dauphin Humanities Center, 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1732 Fax: (717) 477-4020