Department of Global Languages & Cultures

Speaking another language like Chinese, French, German, and Spanish gives you a competitive edge. With the globalization of the workplace, employers are increasingly looking for professionals who know how to communicate with diverse groups of people at home and abroad. By studying languages, you prepare yourself to be a bridge for interaction and collaboration among people, while also embarking on a lifelong journey of cultural exploration and understanding. Career fields in which you can put your language and cultural skills to use include:
- Airlines
- Business
- Education
- Engineering
- Foreign and public service
- International banking
- International news, media, and journalism
- Science and technology
- Teaching in the U.S. and abroad
- Translating and interpreting
Undergraduate Programs and Minors
Graduate Degrees and Certificates
The Global Languages Education Program is certified by the ACTFL-CAEP until 2029.

Department Mission
The Global Languages & Cultures Department provides comprehensive training in language and culture to majors, minors, certificate seekers and Gen Ed students preparing to compete in the global workforce. Our programs in French, German, and Spanish focus on the development of oral and written proficiency, as well as cross-cultural literacy, in accordance with the World Readiness Standards set by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
Wer keine andere Sprache kennt, kennt seine eigne nicht – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Celui qui parle deux langues est aussi deux personnes
El que habla dos lenguas vale por dos
Who does not know another language, does not know his own