Writing Help for Ship Students
There are a number of resources available on campus for Ship students to get help with their writing.

DHC Computer Lab (DHC 002)
The English Department computer lab is conveniently located in Dauphin Humanities Center (DHC) 002. The lab is open to students and is staffed by free writing tutors (now known as Writing Fellows), who have been trained to assist students with their writing assignments. Though the tutors do take walk-ins during the hours below, students are encouraged to schedule an appointment to guarantee a session. Students can schedule an appointment by putting their initials or “reserved” on the sign-up sheet outside DHC 002. This student success initiative serves and supports all first year-students.

Creative Writing Center (HH 309)
The Creative Writing Center in Horton Hall 309 seeks to connect with and support the writers of Shippensburg University. The office is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Follow Creative Writing at Shippensburg University on Facebook.

English Education Reading Room (HH 326)
The English Education Reading Room in Horton Hall 326 houses young adult literature collections and English education teaching resources such as materials utilized in classrooms as well as teaching guides. A student-worker staffs the room and is willing to help people access and use these resources, as well as learn how to use the catalog within Lehman Library.