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Jordan Windholz 

Office: Horton 303
Phone: (717) 477-1665




Teaching Interests: 

  • Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature
  • Creative Writing
  • Technical Writing
  • Gender and Sexuality Studies

Undergraduate Courses Taught: 

ENG 330: Shakespeare 
ENG 318: Not Shakespeare
ENG 236: British Literature I
ENG 248: Introduction to Culturally Diverse Literature
ENG 238: Technical and Professional Writing I
ENG 114: Academic Writing
UNIV 101: Why Poetry

Bio in a Nutshell: 

I received my BA from Messiah College, where I discovered the wonders of Shakespeare and Milton, and where first began scratching out poems. Amazed that someone would give me a degree for continuing to do that, I made my way west to the University of Colorado, Boulder, where I received my MFA. But while steeped in the study of contemporary poetry, I found myself haunted by the past: I couldn't shake Shakespeare, so I headed back east, this time to New York City and Fordham University, where I completed my PhD. By some kind of blind fate, I ended up back home in central Pennsylvania, among family and friends old and new, and with the best students a professor could ask for. 

Current Projects:


The Single Life: Unpatriarchal Manhood in English Renaissance Literature (monograph)


The Grand Eloquence
The Sisters 

Featured Publications: 


"The Queer Testimonies of Male Chastity in All's Well That Ends Well," Modern Philology, forthcoming

“Ballads, Journeymen, and Bachelor Community in Shakespeare’s London,” ELR vol. 46, no. 2, 2016, pp. 294-319

Review of Goran Stanivukovic, ed., Queer Shakespeare: Desire and Sexuality (Bloomsbury, 2017), Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 1., forthcoming
with J. Michael Martinez, “A Poetics of Suspicion: Chicana/o Poetry and the New,”Puerto Del Sol, vol. 45, no. 1, 2010, pp. 75-84


Other Psalms, Winner of the 2014 Vassar Miller Poetry in Poetry, University of North Texas Press, 2015

"The Sisters in the Dreams of a Giant" and "The Sisters as Captains of Industry,"DIAGRAM, forthcoming

“The Plot,” The Adroit Journal, 17 (2016)

“Bestiary” and “The Shepherd’s Song,”32poems, 12.1 (2014)

“Why Sorrow Is Important,” Boston Review(2013)



Contact the English Department

Dauphin Humanities Center 128 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1495 Fax: (717) 477-4020