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Biology Department Research

Students in the Biology Department have plenty of opportunities to apply the skills they develop through research. Shippensburg is near many federal and state research labs, state forests and parks, and medical institutions. The university also has a charter membership with the Marine Science Consortium which operates at the Chincoteague Bay Field Station in Wallops Island, Virginia. Department faculty have unique research interests and provide guidance throughout student research endeavors. Each faculty member's research interests can be found on the Biology Faculty page. Below are several funding  opportunities that students for their research at Shippensburg University.

Research Funding 

  • Undergraduate Research Grants
    • Undergraduate students are encouraged to submit applications for independent research to be conducted during the academic year and summer months. This university-wide program has supported field activities, art projects, written works, and more. It is funded by the Shippensburg University Foundation.
  • Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
    • The purpose of SURE is twofold: to nurture student researchers and to provide faculty members with paid student research assistants during the summer. The program is open to all faculty members and to those undergraduate students not in their last semester.
  • Student/Faculty Research Engagement (SFRE)
    • Faculty in the College of Arts and Science can apply for these grants at the end of each semester. Funds from these grants can be used to support student research.
  • Dean's Office
    • If you have a large expense (like airfare to a national conference) that is not covered by an undergraduate research grant, the Office of the Dean might be able to help. Talk to your research mentor about applying for funding from the Dean.
  • Graduate Research Grant Program
    • The Graduate Research Grant Program is designed to provide financial support to graduate students for research or scholarly activities related to their program of study to enable them to better understand the scientific process, experience discovery, develop their analytical and communication skills, and gain exposure to national ideas through the presentation of the results of their research at conferences. Our grant program has funded field and laboratory research as well as computer application and software development. The Graduate Research Grant Program is funded by the School of Graduate Studies and the Institute for Public Service and Sponsored Programs.
  • National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates
    • The National Science Foundation funds a large number of summer research opportunities for undergraduate students through its Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. The REU program provides a unique experience for a student to become involved in a scientific research project. Students apply directly to REU sites around the country (there are also some international sites). Students are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel.

Contact the Department of Biology

142 Franklin Science Center 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1401