To manage this large and critical project, we have divided the effort into two distinct tiers:
- Tier 1 which culminates in August 2021 will produce Shippensburg University’s vision and mission statement, university values, and strategic objectives.
- Tier 2 will align all university plans and produce goals and metrics to attach to our strategic objectives to ensure we are achieving our established vision and mission.
Timeline 1: Timeline and Deliverables
Insight Team, Co-Chair, Chair meeting with President Carter.
Expert Advisory Group identified (invitations sent by February 20).
Individual priority profiles and recommendations submitted by Insight Team Co-Chairs to SPOC.
Insight Team reports due.
SPOC Executive Summary Due submitted to EMT, APSCUF President, President, governance groups, PLA, and campus community.
Revised SPOC Executive Summary submitted to EMT, APSCUF President, and President. Following, it is submitted to the SPP Expert Advisory Group (Foundation, Alumni, Community).
Feedback and Revisions (including conversion of Insight Team recommendations into Strategic Objectives and Values). Draft of Strategic Plan 2021-2024 (Tier 1) developed.
Presentation of Ship Strategic Plan (Vision, Mission, Strategic Objectives) to Council of Trustees.
Tier 2: Timeline
Vanguard Teams Formed, Charged
Vanguard objectives were submitted.
Vanguard Teams review draft of distilled strategies and objectives.
Formatted report reviewed by Council of Trustees, shared with Insight and Vanguard Team, Deans, APSCUF, Program and Department Chairs.
Feedback received from stakeholders on formatted report.
Facilitate sessions to generate expected outcomes from campus partners to ground the strategic objectives developed from Tier 1. This will be accompanied by creating or aligning university plans to the new strategic plan. Alignment will include but not be limited to: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan, Program Planning and Budget & Facilities Master Plan, Academic Master Plan, Strategic Enrollment Management Plan, Technology & Library Plan, Athletics Master Plan, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Education and Human Services, and the College of Business Strategic Plan.