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In fall 2012, a series of biannual AMP Implementation Workshops were established.  These workshops are designed to facilitate the integration of AMP into the annual planning process and daily activities of the departments, colleges, schools, offices, and key committees within the division of Academic Affairs.  In addition, these workshops are designed to integrate AMP with other key university planning, budget, assessment, and reaccreditation processes.


November 19, 2012 Workshop


The purpose of this inaugural workshop was to prepare for the integration of AMP into the university's annual planning process, which occurs during each spring semester and in this case in the upcoming spring 2013 semester.  In particular, this workshop was designed to focus attention, activities, and planning on four particular AMP goals and objectives: 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, and 4.1.  These goals and objectives directly connect to the university’s retention goals and initiatives, Middle States reaccreditation recommendations, and PASSHE performance funding factors, among other driving factors.



February 22, 2013 Workshop


The purpose of this workshop was to begin integrating AMP goals, objectives, and strategies as a driving factor in the annual planning and budget processes of the division of Academic Affairs and the university.  The focus was on planning and budget requests for the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic and fiscal years.



September 13, 2013 Workshop


The purpose of this workshop was threefold: 1) strengthen the integration of AMP by having departments link their goals and plans to those of their college/school, 2) prepare for further integration during the spring 2014 budget request process, and 3) integrate AMP and the division of Academic Affairs’ planning and budget processes with other key university planning, budget, assessment, and reaccreditation processes and recommendations.  Such processes and recommendations included: PASSHE performance funding indicators, university strategic planning committee, general education council, CUE Equity Score Card committee, strategic enrollment management committee, Middle States periodic review report, transfer access and success committee, living and learning community updates, council of undergraduate research, five year academic program reviews, and college/school/unit goals, objectives, and strategic plans.





February 14, 2014 Workshop



The purpose of this workshop was threefold:  1) provide an update on recommendations from Ship’s engagement in the CUE Equity Scorecard Process and initial plans for Entry Year Experiences, 2) integrate these recommendations and plans with AMP, as well as department and college/school planning, and 3) provide extended time for planning discussions among the academic colleges and schools and the non-academic units and offices of Academic Affairs.


Contact the Office of the Provost

Old Main 308, 1871 Old Main Drive, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Phone: 717-477-1371