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Academic Year 2010-2011 Overview

The AMP Task Force worked on two major tasks during the 2010-2011 academic year:  


Task 1: Seek approval for the AMP mission statement, goals, and objectives from the division of Academic Affairs and APSCUF.

In preparation for this work, the Task Force revisited the mission statement, goals, and objectives drafted during the 2009-2010 academic year.  The mission statement goals, and objectives (10/18/10 version) was made available for feedback from the campus community in three Open Forums, held on October 26 and 27 and November 1, 2010.  Discussion questions were used to frame the Open Forum conversations.  Beyond Task Force members, 15 (56%) faculty, 9 (33%) staff/administration, 2 (7%) students, and 1 (4%) visitor attended the Open Forums.  Open Forum demographics and notes from the three Open Forums can be found in the documents linked here.

Based on the feedback received in the Open Forums, the mission statement, goals and objectives were revised to produce the 11/15/10 version of the mission statement, goals, and objectives.  This document was open for comment via an online survey, December 6, 2010 through January 22, 2011.  132 responses to the survey were received - 65% from faculty, 15% from retired faculty, 11% from management, 8% from staff, and 1% from alumni.  The survey results indicated a high degree of agreement with the AMP work completed to date.  85% of respondents agreed with the mission statement, and 87% agreed with the goals and objectives.  90% of respondents indicated that the AMP goals and objectives align with those of their department.  The full results of this survey can be found in the following two linked documents: Survey Results - Quantitative Summary and Survey Results - Comments

Feedback received through the online survey was incorporated in the mission, goals, and objectives in spring 2011, and continued development of these aspects of the Academic Master Plan was carried over to the next academic year.


Task 2: Create a set of recommended AMP action items, and seek university feedback on these items.

The Task Force used the university-wide feedback received in 2009-2010, as well as key university reports and documents, to draft an initial set of possible strategies and tactics.  An analysis of the 2009-2010 feedback indicated that the comments, suggestions, and concerns fell into one of twelve common thematic areas.  The AMP Task Force divided into five smaller Working Groups to explore these common themes and to begin drafting strategies and tactics.  The Task Force envisioned developing a set of strategies and tactics, each of which supports multiple goals and objectives.  This approach can be illustrated in the sample action items matrix.   

The initial set of strategies and tactics (2/18/11) was available for feedback from the university community in four Open Forums held on February 21 (GRH Forum), February 24 (SPH 224), February 28 (FSC256), and March 3 (DHC151).  Open Forum demographics and the feedback on the strategies received through the survey (above) and the four Open Forums can be found in the documents linked here. 


Overview Documents

For an overview of the AMP process and tasks, view the following:



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