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Annual Tech Fee Request for New Proposals

Each spring a Request for Proposals (RFP) is sent out across campus, requesting new proposals for technology to enhance the learning experiences for students at Shippensburg University.  For an example of the most recent RFP and application, please see below.




In 2002, the State System's Board of Governors established a technology fee for the purposes of (1) enhancing student-learning outcomes; (2) providing equitable access to technology resources; and (3) ensuring that graduates are technologically competitive. Shippensburg collects this fee annually, with the vast majority of the fee set aside for the support and renewal of previously funded projects and ongoing costs. Each year funding is made available for new technology projects in the following categories:

Revised Funding Categories
  1. Improving Learning through Use of Technology  

    This category is for those proposals addressing an innovative use of new or existing technology for enhancement of the students’ learning experience. Proposals must address how the requested technology will be used in creative ways to enhance the students’ learning experience. 

    a.  Innovative:  for new or emerging technology, or use of existing cutting edge technology in new and unique ways to enhance learning opportunities       

    b.  Library databases and subscriptions:  for those databases and subscriptions for specific academic departments and disciplines      

    c.  Instructional facility support:  for smart carts, sympodiums, Brightlinks, etc., those items that are used for computer projection       

    d.  Computer lab support:  specialized hardware, software, etc.        

  2. Scientific-intensive Equipment 

    This category is for proposals for scientific equipment with significant digital components. Proposals can include entirely new equipment or the contracts, maintenance, upgrades, augmentation, and/or replacement of existing equipment.         

  3. New or Significant Augmentation of a Technology Enhanced Classroom/Teaching Facility  

    Proposal must address the complete design, implementation, and use of a new or augmented technology for an enhanced classroom/teaching facilities. For existing projects, proposals must demonstrate current student impact to justify significant augmentation.        

Submission of proposals

Please submit one proposal per project, utilizing the Tech Fee Proposal online application in the InfoReady system. Incomplete proposals will be returned to the proposer.

For questions about current technologies that may be available to meet your students' needs, impact on infrastructure, or facilities concerns, please feel free to contact:

  • Jamie Rhine (x1260) in Technology Services
  • Rusty Kugler (x1451) in Facilities Management

For questions regarding the tech fee proposal process, or for assistance filling out the proposal application, please contact Misty Gruver (x1403) in Technology Services.

Submission Procedure:  Please note, all submissions *must* make use of the Tech Fee Proposal online application in the InfoReady system before a project can be included in the review and ranking process. Please submit an electronic copy of your Proposal to your Department Chair.  The online application will allow you to attach any supplemental documents that you have created or wish to reference. Contact us if you need assistance in scanning supplemental documents to include with your proposal.

After your proposal is received, it will be sent to your college dean or division vice president for approval and/or ranking before it will be considered by the review committee.

Note to Deans and colleges: After submission of proposals from your college, you will be asked to indicate your project priorities.


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Contact the Technology Help Desk

WALK-IN LOCATION Technology Help Desk: MCT 071 Phone: 717-477-4357 Fax: (717) 477-1427