New Tech Fee Projects Funded 2010
SMARTBoard for various departments: DHC206 Provides the current SmartClassroom with a SMARTBoard touch system, which allows faculty and students an interactive display to enhance the learning environment. |
JSTOR Collections for Lehman Library: ELL Adds additional collections of JSTOR, which provides students access to secondary resources for research papers. These collections cover mainly social sciences, humanities, and arts. |
Virtual Desktop Interface Server/Thin Clients for Lehman Library and Computer Technologies Center: ELL Provides an enhancement of CTC’s current virtual systems infrastructure that allows for virtual desktop interfacing utilizing thin clients in a lab setting. |
Backup RAID Array for Computer Science: MCT163 Provides the Computer Science department with a disk array system that will allow the students and faculty of the Computer Science department to safely archive their data. |
Smart Classroom for Sociology/Anthropology: GRH308 Smart technology installed in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students in the Sociology/Anthropology department. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. System includes the presentation unit, a computer, data projector, document camera, DVD/VCR and supporting switching equipment. |
EZNews Newsroom Management System for Communications/Journalism and Broadcasting: RLH202, RLH205, TV, CUB310 Provided the departments with an advanced TV studio content management service that allows students and faculty to collaborate on projects anywhere on campus with the EZNews software package. |
Virtual Desktop Interface Lab expansion for Computer Technologies Center: CTC Provides additional software/hardware to supplement the current VDI infrastructure to allow for additional expansion of users/clients on campus. |
Virtual Desktop Interface Thin Clients for Computer Technologies Center: CTC Provides the Center with additional Thin Clients to allow for connecting to the VDI servers. |
Virtual Security Lab for Business: GRH402 Provides students with access to a virtual security lab to test IT security protocols and issues. Provides the Business faculty the ability to create a real-world scenario to supplement the lectures on IT security. |
Smart Classroom for Business: GRH208 Smart technology installed in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students in the business department. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. System includes the presentation unit, a computer, data projector, document camera, DVD/VCR and supporting switching equipment. |
Data acquisition hardware/software for Biology: FSC342 These convertors allow for students of the Biology department to measure physiological parameters using various devices. The information collected is then able to be analyzed and organized into laboratory reports and research papers. |
Portable Metabolic Measurement System for Exercise Science: HG105 Allows students of the Exercise Science department to measure metabolic parameters on human subjects. The system allows for recording data, then uploading it to a computer for further analysis and use in research papers. |
Portable Projection System for Exercise Science: HG105 Smart technology installed in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students of the Exercise Science department in various rooms including the Exercise Science lab. |
SMARTBoard for Military Science: WRI102 Provides the current Smart Classroom with a SMARTBoard touch system, which allows faculty and students an interactive display to enhance the learning environment. |
Renewal of Computer Lab for Business: GRH402 The upgrade of 33 workstations and the data projection system, providing students in the business department with access to current computer technology in this lab. |
Renewal of Smart Classroom for Physics: FSC110 Smart technology installed in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students in the Physics Department. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. System includes a computer, data projector and supporting switching equipment. |
Renewal of Instructor Station for Chemistry: FSC334 Smart technology installed in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students in the Chemistry Department. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. System includes the presentation unit, a computer, data projector, DVD/VCR and supporting switching equipment. |
Renewal of Computer Lab for Physics: FSC202 The upgrade of 8 workstations provides students with access to current computer technology in this lab. In addition, networking hardware additions allow for expanded networking capabilities in this lab. |
Renewal Tech Fee Projects Funded 2010
Augmentation of computer labs for Physics: FSC206 and FSC208 Computer labs used by Physic students for coursework |
Augmentation of computer lab: Networking E-Commerce for the College of Business in GRH302 The smart cart and Networking and E-Commerce Lab is used by senior MIS students in the COB for their capstone class learning the fundamentals of computer networks and their application in business. |
Augmentation of computer lab: For college of Business in GRH106 This smart cart and classroom computer lab is used to teach basic computer and business classes to the COB students. Classes include Management Information Systems and Decision Sciences. |
Augmentation of computer lab for Math: MCT263 This lab contains 35 computers used by Math students to complete coursework. |
Storage Array System for Art: HAC Provides a complete system wide storage solution for students that will ease the operation of the lab, by automatically creating backups of student project files. This system also allows students to save large video and photographic projects and make them available to any machine in the lab. |
ARTStor digital database subscription for Art Provides University departments with access to a digital library containing over one million images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and social sciences. Exposing students to many collections of art to supplement the lectures conducted by faculty. It also provides a tool for conducting research projects. |
Smart Classroom for Modern Languages: RLH100 Smart technology in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students in the Modern Language Department. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. This system includes the presentation unit, a computer, Sympodium, DVD/VCR and a data projector with supporting video switching equipment. |
Online Database RefWorks for Lehman Library Provides student access to web based bibliographies and databases allowing for importing of text based files along with bibliographic references. Students can then use these references for writing papers and the database provides proper formatting for insertion into a bibliography. |
Laptops for Chemistry / Physics: FSC110 These laptops and laptop cart provide a portable technology solution for students in the Chemistry department. The cart provides security and charging for the laptops when not in use. It also allows for ease of transportation of the laptops to support students in standard education classrooms. |
Smart Classroom for Biology: FSC134 Smart technology in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students in the Biology Department. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. System includes the presentation unit, a computer, data projector, and supporting switching equipment. |
Smart Classroom for Psychology: FSC030 Smart technology in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students in the Psychology Department. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. System includes the presentation unit, a computer, data projector, DVD/VCR and supporting switching equipment. |
Digital Force Plate for Exercise Science: HG105 Equipment allows for state of the art movement analysis and data acquisition during biomechanical and motor learning activities. This also facilitates student driven research projects in both research design and statistics courses. |
Smart Classrooms for Communications/Journalism: RLH101, RLH209 Smart technology in the classrooms for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students in the Communications/Journalism Department. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. Systems include the presentation unit, a computer, data projector, DVD/VCR and supporting switching equipment. |
Wireless Laptops for the Office of Disability Services: ELL Accommodates disabled students whom have a special need. By using wireless technology, students with a disability are given access to the latest computer technology. |
Smart Classroom for Physics: FSC104 Smart technology in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students in the Physics Department. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. System includes the presentation unit, a computer, data projector, DVD/VCR and supporting switching equipment. |
Smart Classroom for Chemistry: FSC312 Smart technology in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students in the Chemistry Department. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. System includes the presentation unit, a computer, data projector, DVD/VCR and supporting switching equipment. |
Smart Classroom for Mathematics: MCT251 Smart technology in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students in the Mathematics Department. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. System includes the presentation unit, a computer, data projector, DVD/VCR, document camera and supporting switching equipment. |
Smart Classrooms for COE: SPH224 Smart technology in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement for classroom use by students in the College of Education. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. System includes the presentation unit, a computer, data projector, DVD/VCR and supporting switching equipment. |
Palms/Axims Blue Tooth Lab for Computer Science: MCT163 Supports the Computer Science program offering of palm-device programming to provide new experience for software engineering projects that combine palm programming with the intricacies of blue-tooth communication through the use of 16 Axim Handheld devices. |
Data Capture Smart Room and lab: Biology in FSC342 Smart Cart and 9 desktop computers used in the data capture biology lab. |
ITS Support Ctr Help Desk in MCT264 Tech Support center created to assist in the support of all the tech fee related computer projects deployed across campus. Student support staff hired and maintained for emergency response to classroom computer issues. |
Safari Tech Books Online research database used by computer science students and maintained by the library. Database provides access to over 2000 technical books online. |
PBL Genetics Lab: Biology FSC246 – 18 computers Provides problem based learning course support for biology students. The PBL model focuses on cooperative investigative learning. The computers and software are used by students to research and investigate three projects, as well as complete tutorials, interactive problems, and simulations throughout the semester. This project changed at renewal increasing from 12 desktop computers to 18 laptops to allow for more desk space in the lab, as well as expanding the amount of computers to accommodate larger class sizes. |
Smart Rooms SPH230, SPH250, SPH260, SPH300: COESmart Rooms Smart technology in the classrooms for visual and audio presentation enhancement. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. This project was originally for 3 Smart Rooms, FSC102, HG101, and HFH230 along with 4 laptops however on renewal, they wished to have the Smart Rooms moved to all be located in SPH and dropped the 4 laptops to add a 4th classroom instead. |
Laptops, wireless: Psychology - FSC 012 and FSC118A Laptop computer lab that supports Psychological research and classroom projects, including the collection, analysis, and presentation of data by students. The cart of 24 laptops is stored in FSC118A. |
Digital Editing/Final Cut Pro lab: RLH205 The Digital Editing lab is used to prepare students for an interconnected and competitive world in which the delivery of news, information, ideas, and entertainment is constantly changing. The lab assist in providing up-to-date instruction in skills and theories, history, functions, procedures, laws, ethics, and effects of journalism through content creation and mass delivery. The lab consist of video editing software and 12 iMacs split between Roland and Cub broadcasting. |
Smart Carts COB: GRH404 Smart technology in the classroom for visual and audio presentation enhancement. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. Originally this project included rooms GRH 106 and GRH 302, these were rolled into the classroom projects for these rooms listed above on this list. |
Computer lab: Computer Science MCT164 A computer lab of 32 computers that allow students to complete laboratory exercises that include teaching programming concepts and provide tools for experimentation and visualization of those concepts. The goal is to demonstrate the application of technology to solving computer programming problems through course content. |
Presentation Stations with Elmos: Math in MCT262 and 265 Smart technology in the classrooms for visual and audio presentation enhancement. Includes the ability to tie DVD, Internet, and Computer audio/visual aids together into one management console for presentation of course materials. |
Multimedia lab: GRH008 for Media Services and ELL Courtyard Computer lab for use in multimedia presentation development. 1 Apple Mac and 3 PC’s purchased with Adobe and Macromedia software development tools. Location split between GRH008 and ELL 1st floor. |
Canceled Tech Fee Projects 2010
Emerging Tech PILOT for various departments: ELL Allows students to use Podcast technology to enhance the classroom learning experience. Using iPods to view Podcasts allows students to review course material, rewrite notes and discuss ideas and concepts outside of the classroom. |
ESRI-ArcView GIS Software for Geography department: SRH Software allows students to visualize, manage, create and analyze geographical data seeing relationships and identifying patterns in the data. This software is still used on campus, but became part of a state contract, and is no longer funded through Tech Fee. |
Server for computer science program: MCT163 Server used by computer science students for software development. |
Maple Server: Math Project establishes a web server with specialized software for the development of web-based math activities and assignments for lower-level math courses. This project augments every computer lab on campus by providing material that enhances student learning in math. This software is still used on campus, but became part of a state contract, and is no longer funded through Tech Fee. |