Shippensburg University Information Technology Accessibility Plan
I. Scope
This plan applies to all departments, colleges, auxiliaries, research, and administrative entities with the Division of Information Technologies & Services supporting the programs or services of the university.
II. Plan Statement
Shippensburg University is committed to achieving equal educational opportunity and participation for persons with disabilities. This commitment extends itself to providing equal access to information technology. It is the intent of this plan to promote equal access to university electronic information resources, technologies and services for students, employees, guests and visitors—including those with disabilities. The aim is to provide this opportunity in a setting that fosters independence and meets the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
The Shippensburg University Information Technology Accessibility Plan encompasses the following areas:
- Web-based resources and services – including those associated with courses of instruction, departmental programs, other university-sponsored activities and administrative services, online databases and services, and employment.
- Hardware and software to be developed, purchased, or acquired by Shippensburg University.
- Environments specific to technology – including classroom and general use computer facilities, online instruction, distance learning, places of employment, and resource centers.
With regard to the above areas, Shippensburg University will strive to:
- Use web site design standards [Section 508 technical standards in section 1194.22] that improve accessibility for all, including those with disabilities.
- Use hardware and software products that promote disability access. To this end, vendors will be required through the procurement process to document that they meet minimum accessibility standards by completing a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template. Emphasis will be on acquisitions occurring after the effective date of the adoption of this plan.
- Design and implement work environments that accommodate all users.
For the purpose of monitoring and assessment, a yearly review will be conducted within each area in order to ensure compliance with these standards and/or coordinate any necessary remediation to achieve compliance.
An overview of the university accessibility standards, guidelines, training, tools, and methods is available at (Office of Accessibility Resources). Information on Internet accessibility standards and resources is located on the Accessibility Statement page.
III. Definitions
Accessibility: Refers to the University objective that everyone within the University community, regardless of physical disability, will have the opportunity for appropriate access to information technology.
IV. Responsibilities
The Vice President for Information Technologies & Services or designee will ensure that personnel responsible for information technology procurement, programs, and services will possess an appropriate level of technical knowledge related to accessibility standards. The VP of Information Technologies & Services will also sit on the University’s ADA/504 Compliance Committee in order to align IT accessibility initiatives with larger non-discrimination efforts.
The Director of Accessibility Resources will serve as a member of the University Technology Council to ensure that accessibility concerns are addressed within the context of University-wide technology projects and initiatives.
V. Compliance
The procurement, development, and/or maintenance of information technology and user support services for persons with disabilities will be aligned with accessibility standards specified in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and in Web Content Accessibility Guidelines from the World Wide Web Consortium, appropriately tailored to the specific circumstances of the University.
VI. Effective Date and Approval
The plan herein is effective December 10, 2012. This Administrative Plan shall be reviewed and revised, if necessary, annually to become effective at the beginning of the University's fiscal year, unless otherwise noted.