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Ethical Conduct in Research


Research ethics” and “responsible conduct of research” are terms used broadly to refer to many ethically significant issues that arise in research, from fair apportionment of credit among members of a research team, to responsible behavior in submitting or reviewing grant applications and the responsible treatment of research subjects.

Academic honesty or integrity is the maintenance of truthfulness and proper crediting of sources of ideas and expressions.

Source: "RESEARCH ETHICS or the RESPONSIBLE CONDUCT OF RESEARCH" Online Ethics Center for Engineering 9/14/2006 National Academy of Engineering Accessed: Friday, February 12, 2010

Ethical and responsible conduct of research is of the highest concern at Shippensburg University.  Given this, the university revised its Ethical Conduct in Research Policy in the 2010.  The policy in its entirety may be found here (Shippensburg University Ethical Conduct in Research Policy).  It is patterned after the PASSHE model Misconduct in Research Policy as well as the Lock Haven University policy.

In August 2009, the NSF announced requirements that all Universities that apply for NSF grants must describe in the proposal a plan to provide training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to undergraduate, graduate students and post docs that participate in the project. The following web sites are supported by the NSF as on-line resources in ethics education: Ethics in Science and Engineering and The Online Ethics Center

All Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) are required to have a responsible or ethical conduct of research policy.

 Ethical Conduct of Research Policy

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