Profile: A Historical Factbook
Historical Profile Factbooks as PDF files
(2003-2004) (2004-2005) (2005-2006)
(2006-2007) (2007-2008) (2008-2009)
(2009-2010) (2010-2011) (2011-2012)
(2012-2013) (2013-2014) (2014-2015)
** Data is in process
I. Undergraduate Data
- Enrollment
- Headcount and Credit Hours: Fall
- Headcount and Credit Hours:Spring
- Headcount and Credit Hours:Summer
- Headcount by Certificate Enrollment
- Headcount by Minor: Fall
- Headcount by Minor: Spring
- County
- State
- Citizenship
- College and Class
- Residence and Class Level
- Full and Part-Time by Gender, Minority by Gender
- Age and Gender, Full-Time and Part-Time
- Age Full-Time Chart
- Age Part-Time Chart
- Headcount Arts & Sciences Chart 1
- Headcount Arts & Sciences Chart 2
- Headcount Business Chart
- Headcount Education & Human Services Chart
- Headcount Undeclared & Non-Degree Chart
- Admissions
- Application and Enrollment
- New Freshmen by Major and Ability Indicators
- New Freshmen by Gender, Minority by Gender
- New Transfers by Major, Class Level and Incoming Mean GPA
- New Transfers by Gender, Minority by Gender
- New Transfers by Former Institution
- New Transfers by Class Level, Mean GPA and Gender
- Undergraduate GPA's
II. Graduate Data
- Enrollment
- Headcount and Credit Hours: Fall
- Headcount and Credit Hours: Spring
- Headcount and Credit Hours: Summer
- Headcount by Certificate Enrollment
- County
- State
- Citizenship
- College and Gender
- Full and Part-Time by Gender, Minority by Gender
- Age and Gender, Full-Time and Part-Time
- Headcount Chart 1
- Headcount Chart 2
- Admissions
- Application and Enrollment by Gender**
III. Degrees and Alumni
- Undergraduate Degrees
- Undergraduate Degrees Arts & Sciences Chart 1
- Undergraduate Degrees Arts & Sciences Chart 2
- Undergraduate Degrees Business Chart
- Undergraduate Degrees Education & Human Services Chart
- Graduate Degrees
- Graduate Degrees Chart 1
- Graduate Degrees Chart 2
- Pennsylvania Alumni by County**
- Alumni by State**
- Living Alumni**
IV. Employees
V. Budget and Finances
- Tuition History
- Current Unrestricted Funds**
- Current Restricted Funds, Grant Activity**
- Funding Formula Data
- Physical Facilities