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Role Switch

Student View

If you would like to view what certain areas of your D2L course looks like in the eyes of a student, you can do so using the Role Switch tool to see content as a student.

There are two ways to access the Role Switch tool:

  1. The Role Switch tool is also accessible under your personal menu.
  2. The Role Switch tool is located at the very bottom of the Course Home page.
    RoleSwitchTool d2l 10.3

By changing your role to "Student" you can navigate through your class and see the course as a student would. Please note that under the student role you will be unable to view the Grades, take a Quiz, or view any items with conditional releases. Once you are finished using the student role, you can switch your role back, by click on your personal menu, and clicking the “X” next to Viewing as Student. Or, you can navigate to the Course Home page to select the word “Instructor” from the Role Switch tool drop-down box and click on the Change Role button.

RoleSwitchTool role switch