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The content area will be the main location where your students will go to retrieve course material.  In this guide, we'll show you how to upload files from your computer into the content area.

Uploading Files to a Content Module

1.  From the course homepage, click Content.

2.  Select a module under the Table of Contents where you want the file to be located.  NOTE:  If you do not have any modules, you can create one by clicking Add a module and entering a name followed by Enter/return.

3.  Click Upload / Create, located on the right side of the screen.  You should see the name of the module you selected at the top of the window.

4.  Click Upload Files

5.  Select the file location, which will usually be My Computer.

6.  You can either click Upload OR Drag and Drop the file you wish to upload into the checkered area.  If you choose the Upload option, you'll need to located the file on your computer and select it.

7.  Once the file has been selected, click Add.

8.  The file can now be access by navigating to Content - Week 2 - Presentation