Modifying the Course Navbar
1. From the course homepage, Click Course Admin located in the Course Navbar.
2. Click Navigation & Themes, which is located under the Site Setup category.
3. Click the down arrow to the right of "Default Course Navbar" and choose Copy.
4. You should now see "Default Course Navbar - Copy" located in the list. This copy can be modified by clicking on the title.
5. You should now be on the "Edit Navbar" page. Click in the Name field to change the name of the navbar if you'd like. You can add links by clicking Add Links and remove links by hovering your mouse over one of the links and clicking the X.
6. When you add a link, you will be given a list of available links to add. You can select these by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the link title. You can also search for a given link in the search field. Click Add when you have selected the links you want.
7. The link(s) should now appear at the end of the navbar. You can move these links to different positions by clicking and holding the link while dragging it to another position on the navbar.
8. Once you're happy with the links and their positions, click Save and Close
9. In order for the new navbar to appear, you must make it active. Click the navbar located in the box under Active Navbar.
10. Choose the navbar you just created from the list of available navbars.
11. Click Apply and you're navbar should now reflect the changes you made.