D2L Navigation and Profile Customization
Adding a Profile Picture
Your Brightspace profile contains information about you which you might want to make available to the class. It also contains a profile picture which allows you to upload a picture you'd like displayed to the class in the class list.
Course Tools Overview
D2L contains a variety of tools that can be used to enhance the course. The tools available are determined the instructor, who may also rename the tools if they wish. In this tutorial the course tools are described with their default names.
Customizing your Account Settings
Your Account Settings enable you to customize your Brightspace experience further. It contains three main areas where you can customize including your Account Settings, Discussions, and Email.
Enabling D2L Notifications
Control how you receive notifications about activity in your courses. You can receive a periodic summary of activity, or receive instant notifications as things happen. In this article you will find instructions on how to customize your D2L notifications.
Modifying Course Navbar
This guide will show you how you can modify your course navigation bar (navbar).