Holiday Schedule for 2025
Holiday | University Closed |
New Year's Day | Wednesday, January 1 |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day | Monday, January 20 |
Memorial Day | Monday, May 26 |
Juneteenth | Thursday, June 19 |
Independence Day | Friday, July 4 |
Labor Day | Monday, September 1 |
Thanksgiving Day | Thursday, November 27 |
* Day After Thanksgiving (Employees covered by AFSCME & PSSU only) |
Friday, November 28 |
*Indigenous Peoples' Day (earned October 11) (All employees not covered by AFSCME & PSSU) |
Friday, November 28 |
Christmas Day | Thursday, December 25 |
Veteran's Day (earned Nov. 11) | Friday, December 26 |
Deferred Holidays - University remains open
President's Day | Monday, February 17 |
Indigenous Peoples' Day (AFSCME & PSSU) | Monday, October 13 |
All managers, administrators and non-instructional staff, except those assigned to the Physical Plant, CTC, Library, Public Safety and Residence Hall duties observe this schedule. Managers, administrators and department chairpersons are responsible for ensuring that each member of their non-teaching staff adheres to this holiday schedule; failure to do so could create an overtime and compensatory day-off requirement. All non-teaching staff must be granted the appropriate number of holidays, as well as personal leave days, in accordance with Collective Bargaining Agreements and Personnel Policies.
The Director Facilities Management/Planning, Chief Information Technology Officer, Dean of Libraries, Director of Public Safety, and Dean of Students may schedule holidays for their non-instructional staff separately and in accordance with their operational requirements.
On those days listed as Deferred Holidays – University Remains Open, employees arrange with their supervisors for a day or days off which are mutually agreeable, giving due consideration to operational requirements. Unused Deferred Holidays extend 10 Pay Periods into the new Leave Calendar Year. Use by May 30, 2025.
The administration reserves the right to reschedule any holidays in the event the academic calendar is changed.