Policies and Procedures
This page contains human resources policies and procedures not contained on other pages. If you are having trouble locating a specific policy or procedure, please contact the Human Resources office at hr@ship.edu or 717-477-1124.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- What is ADA?
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy
- Request Accommodations for non employees
- ADA Request Form for Employees
- ADA Decision Appeal Form for Employees
Update Employee Information
- Legal Name - email request to hr@ship.edu
- Preferred Name - email request to hr@ship.edu
- Home Address - email request to hr@ship.edu
- Campus Directory Information - update office location and campus phone extension
- Employee Self-Service - update emergency contacts, ethnicity, and federal tax withholding (W-4)
- University Obligations Regarding Employment of Foreign Nationals [login required]
- Employment of Relatives
- Implementation of University Staff Training and Development
- Employees' Credit Course Attendance
- Pre-Employment Information Verification
- Tuition Waiver for Non-Represented
- Tuition Waiver for Others
- Remote Work