About Teaching Innovations in Pedagogy and Scholarship (TIPS Teaching Award)
TIPS Mission:
TIPS is an annual teaching award given to one tenure track faculty member from each college who demonstrates outstanding evidence of the following criteria in an undergraduate or graduate course.
- Implementing technology in teaching and learning outcomes throughout the course.
- Integrating research projects and assignments related to the course content.
- Providing field experiences related to the course goals.
- Administering authentic and varied assessments related to the course content knowledge and skills.
- Structuring collaborations among students and/or colleagues.
TIPS Strives to:
- Recognize innovative, authentic learning experiences in the College of Arts and Sciences, The College of Business and the College of Education and Human Services.
- Share the use of pragmatic pedagogy in teaching and learning experiences on the CETL Pedagogical Support website, as well as with other university and community publications.
- Award annually each college’s TIPS recipient $500.00 toward travel to conferences or professional development.
- Honor each TIPS nominee with a recognition letter describing his/her innovation in the college classroom.
TIPS Nomination, Evaluation, and Notification Process:
CETL Pedagogical Support Chair distributes through email the TIPS Nomination Form to all Faculty in an email from the Provost's Office, as well as alerts Faculty to view criteria and rubrics on the CETL website.
- Faculty and/or Courses within departments and colleges are nominated by Faculty members or Department Chairs (more than one faculty member from a college can be nominated).
- CETL Pedagogical Support Committee members cannot be nominated.
- All nominations will be reviewed by all committee members, thereby representing each college in the evaluation process.
- Each Faculty nominator completes the application and attaches a brief description of how the Professor is an innovative faculty member in teaching a specific course. Consider the following criteria:
- Implementing technology in teaching and learning outcomes throughout the course.
- Integrating research projects and assignments related to the course content.
- Providing field experiences related to the course goals.
- Administering authentic and varied assessments related to the course content knowledge and skills.
- Structuring collaborations among students and/or colleagues.
5. Faculty nominators email nominations to CETL Pedagogical Support at
- Create a ranked list of faculty nominated by college.
- Share recommendations of TIPS recipients from each college with the Provost.
- Receive approval from the Provost to notify TIPS recipients.
- Notify the TIPS recipients and distribute monies.
TIPS Nomination Form
Rubric for Evaluating TIPS Nominations