New 2023 Faculty
Corey Williams
Born in Ohio, and raised in Vermont, Corey Williams is an assistant professor of economics who is trained as an applied macroeconomist, and econometrician. He received his MA, and PhD in economics from West Virginia University, and his BS in Global Supply Chain Management from Clarkson University. Currently, Corey's research focuses on three main areas: producer price inflation, productivity, and banking sector performance. Outside of teaching and research, Corey is an avid runner, and a collector of physical media, most notably Criterion-label movies.
Department: Economics
Mentored by: Andy Vassallo
Westly Welty
Wes Welty is the 2nd grade teacher at Grace B. Luhrs University Elementary School (GBLUES). He previously taught 3rd and 4th grade students at Bermudian Springs Elementary School. He is a former student intern of GBLUES and is a Shippensburg University alum. He currently lives in Mechanicsburg, PA with his wife and 5 year old son.
Department: Teacher Education (GBLUES)
Mentored by: Shannon Raines
Mengzhu Fu
Dr. Fu obtained her Ph.D. from University of Nebraska-Lincoln. As a cognitive psychologist, she has a broad interest in human visual cognition, encompassing attention, perception, and memory. She is particularly interested in studying different aspects of visual attention (e.g., object-based attention, sustained attention, visual search, multiple-object tracking). In addition to laboratory-based paradigms, her research tries to better understand attention in real-world situations and identify factors that affect attentional allocation. She uses a variety of behavioral methods, including eye tracking and virtual reality techniques.
Department: Psychology
Mentored by: Amber Norwood
Emily Besecker
Department: Biology
Mentored by: JR Stewart
Colin Campbell
Department: Human Communication
Mentored by: Melissa McNelis